Sunday, July 9, 2023

Scene: Beach wedding book nook

A new scene finished!  This time, it is a wedding beach scene for a couple of friends that got married last summer.  

I started the construction almost the same as the First Communion scene, but with slightly different measurements, because I wanted to add more decorations and needed extra room.

The easiest part was cutting some pieces of black foamboard for the walls, floor and celing:

Next, I tried a sand wallpaper for the floor.  The idea was that the wedding is taking place inside a tent, but since it is in the beach, there is no need for hard floors.  I liked the effect very much:

Very nice sand color!

Checking if I have enough space for the decorations...

Next, I mounted the structure of the "tent":

Then, I started wallpapering the sides and the back.  For the back I chose this beautiful picture from Evona´s shop:

Super pretty!

The rest, as you can see, is just white paper:

Then I started the work on the table that would hold the wedding cake.  I bought a chess table very cheap.  When I got it, I already knew I was going to paint it white.  I assumed that the chess board was a piece of paper glued to the table.  I was wrong!  It was actually painted it, and my white spray paint did not cover it:

Oh my, what to do?  No worries!  Since it is a beach wedding, I thought of adding a nice tile board on top.  I simply printed it on cardstock, glued it and applied a layer of Mod Podge to make it shiny, as tiles are:  

Love the Mediterranean vibe!

Vòila!  No trace of the chess board!  The tiles come from Pixelmarket's shop (she was nice enough to feature my table on her listing!).  Time to check the progress:

So nice!

Love it!

It took me a while to retake this project (two bellydance shows, the remodeling of Kassandra's bedroom), so now the pictures are scarce.  But anyway, the only thing to do was decorate the ceiling.  I found a very cute tutorial on YouTube to make hanging jellyfish, so I made two.  And I decorated the walls with some posters celebrating the newly wed couple.  Also, I added some battery operated LED string lights that my mother gave me, leftovers from a Christmas tree that she did not want anymore:

So, I finally attached the ceiling and covered the outside walls with a tropical leaves wallpaper:

Looking good!

I also purchased a kit to make wedding boxes and bags, from the shop of Odin's Miniatures, and finally, the scene is finished:

Lovely boxes and bags!

The happy couple's names are on the wall ♥

Love that cake!  And the bouquet! ♥

So, so happy with how it turned out!

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