I was afraid that this could happen... Kassandra was very excited last time I talked to her. She said great changes had happened in her life, and wanted to do some renovations at her new place.
"What is it this time?", I asked. "The floor in the ballet studio?"
"No, my dear. A bedroom renovation. And I can't wait. Some days ago I purchased a new bed, furniture and linens. So we need to get this done this weekend."
And as it could not be any other way, I agreed to help. We started by tearing off the old wallpaper - that crypt wallpaper that she had liked so much, and I was skeptic to put on - and started installing the new one.
It was sad seeing the bedroom like this...
... but we started working very excited to see the results
"This is a change from your usual choices", I said.
"Yes. I have noticed that my own tastes have changed recently, and this is more atuned to my new style."
Left wall finished
It's starting to look good...
"For the last wall, I am doing something different. I am using a mural with birch trees. To break the monotony and provide a different visual effect."
"Wow. You seem to have been studying interior decorating."
"Ha, ha, not really! I just saw this wallpaper and liked it very much. I thought it would be an interesting addition. Let's see how it looks."
"Well, I think it looks fantastic, Kassandra!"
"Thank you, dear. We are only lacking the floor. Luckily, it won't take us long to install it. I cannot wait to see the whole room finished."
"Very nice! I'm assuming the wallpapers and the floor come from you usual sources?"
"Oh yes! My friend Ana provided them. And Jessica Cloe did the birch forest. Let's put the new bed in place!"
"Oh, that is very nice! Where did you get it?"
"It was made for me by Joann, of ZJMiniatures. She is fantastic making furniture. My sofa and ottoman are also from her. I love her style! The bed linens come from her shop too."
"I assume you are not going to use your old furniture, right? It will look out of place in such a modern setting."
"Of course not! I have bought two cube storage shelves. I already have them, but I have to paint them in white. And today I ordered a new nightstand and miror."
"I can't wait to see your new decoration!"
"Well, give me some days. I think you are going to love it..."