As it could not be any different, this week that I am on vacation, Kassandra has asked help to decorate the ceilings of her old house - the one that has the Magic Shoppe. When we moved, I did the walls, but ceilings were not on our mind them. Mainly because there were no download-and-print papers for ceilings. But now that that little problem has been solved, she was very excited to have pretty ceilings in her, as she calls it, "my "single lady" house".
We started with the parlor, which seemed the easiest one, has it has a lot of room to maneuver. All of our ceiling papers come from Pixel Market, so if you need one (or many) go take a look to see of they will suit you. We started as always clearing out the space, and printing some sheets to mount. In this case, two were more than enough:
Work is starting...
It was easy enough to stick them, as there are no beams or corners that can difficult the work:
... and everything back to its place.
Next, the study. The study is so small it was possible to use a single sheet, printed to fit the space, with borders already included in the design:
It looks wonderful in the wood-covered study!
We couldn't unglue the magnet that holds the chandelier, so now it is hidden by the paper!
Next step, the shop.
We took out the magnet that keeps the door closed, to work without issues
This one took a lot more time, between clearing out the space and printing everything we needed. We thought it would be the same size (give or take) than the parlor, but we were mistaken. We had to use two complete sheets, plus another one with extra ceiling, and borders, because part of the space was left uncovered:
We made a mistake, and had to reprint: see that the colors don't match? The paper was backwards!
And after reprinting, we made another mistake and mounted the papers the wrong side; they had to be together by the long side, and we put them by the short one. Silly us! Print again, and watch your steps while mounting them again!
Finally, we attached the borders and glue them to the ceiling up the shop - we spent most of the afternoon doing this, and there wasn't almost any light for pictures when we finished; plus, it had been raining all day:
Magnet is back in its place
The magnet that holds the chandelier is hidden here as well
We left the work for the day, and today we finished the last room: the hall. So, we emptied it and took measures to make a pattern:
We removed the magnet here as well
When the pattern was finished, I wanted to use another ceiling design, but Kassandra said that she
wanted the same as in the shop, as we had the wrong matched papers from
yesterday. That way they would not go to waste. A very sensible thing,
I believe. So we cut carefully the papers, and attached the borders so the ceiling would match the design of the shop. Then we glued it, and it was a success:
Gorgeous! |
Magnet attached, and everything back in its place
It has been a rewarding effort. Kassandra is very happy that both her houses are now completely decorated. I am embarking today in crafting a gift for her, hopefully for the library of the big house. Let's see how that goes!