Since dear husband is away , I have more time to take on projects, and this one is a futile attempt to make the Summer last longer; also, because I had seen this kit a long time ago, and wanted to make it:
It started by purchasing a beach hut kit from Seaside Miniatutes. The have a lot of sea-related projects in several scales for you to make. I stuck to 1:12, because it's my favorite, and the one easier to find accessories for. So I chose this model, and was super excited when I received it in my home just 5 days later, this Monday! I also bought a director's chairs kit, with the intention of using them in the hut.
Upon recieving it, the first thing I did was lay out the pieces, and do a dry fit to see what would be the final result; also to measure the actual size of the hut for the decorations.
Soooo cute!
It's more square than I thought it would be
Love the little windows!
So, first step: before any glueing, painting the outside! I had been perusing the internet for pictures of beach huts, and most of them are very brightly colored. That's why I have chosen a bright blue - I love blue too.
Starting the painting process
It takes a while to paint everything.
This was the end of Monday evening. On Tuesday I kept adding coats of paint to the model. It took 3 coats for the paint to look uniform. But the blue shade is lovely!
While everything was getting dry, I went to Veronique's shop to choose a floor and a wallpaper for the inside of the hut. She made things easy for me with a coastal design for the wallpaper, and another for the floor. First step: the floor:
Perfect! |
Then, the back wall. To make the pattern, I simply laid out the wall on top of the paper and
traced the contour. Then I cut to shape with a sharp blade.
I even had time to make the side walls. Then, the light was fading and it was time to stop until next day.
It's starting to look good...
On Wednesday, I started by putting some pullers on the doors. I had purchased these a long time ago, I don't even remember for what, but I liked the industrial look:
Very nice!
While the pullers were getting dry, I started with the front wall. Since it has windows, it obviously needed a "glass" on them. So I cut some pieces of acetate to cover them:
Once covered, it was the wallpaper's turn. This one was more difficult because of the windows, but I did exactly as the same as with the back wall: lay it on top of the paper, trace whatever was redundant and cut the pieces - I did the tracing before I put on the acetate on the windows, to be able to use the window cuts.
It was a good thing that I kept the paper cut from the doors frame. It would come in handy later...
Seeing how it is looking...
Love the earthy tones!
I spent some time playing around with furniture for the hut, to see what could go well and where. The light faded again, and I stopped the work until the next day.
Today I started by painting the outside of the roof. It is a soft black, to create constrast with the hut:
While they were gettting dry, I decided that I really did not like the blue doors as would be seen from the inside of the hut, and decided to wallpaper them with the remnants from the front wall - the piece I was wise enough to save the day before. So I cut the acetate pieces for the windows glass, and wallpapered them:
Cutting the wallpaper to size
Covering the windows
All done!
To make the exterior look cute, I added a house number on top of the door frame:
I love seahorses!
Now, a difficult part: the doors. The kit says you have to glue them, open or closed at your discretion, but I wanted the option of being able to open and close them at will. So I decided to try something risky: I stuck a pin in the edge of the doors, and made a hole for them in the door frame. Ideally, doors would be able to swing, but since I do not have a base to hold them (the front wall is glued to the edge of the base), maybe they'll fall. It's worth a try - there is always the possibility of glue them later...
The wait is over: now to glue the hut together! Instructions said to glue the back wall to the edge of the base. Then the sides - but I did not know if they were on top of the base or to the edge too. It turns out that they were glued on top of the base, so now the wallpaper does not match in the corners. Oh well. That won't be very visible when the furniture is put in place:
Now the front wall. It goes on the edge as well. Apparently, the doors hold well in place. One has to be very careful when moving them, but I am happy I don't have to glue them down. On retrospective, for once it would have been better to glue the pieces together and then put the wallpaper, but what's done is done. The mistakes are not very visible unless you know they are there.
I will let everything dry in peace for a few hours. In the meantime, I will play with accessories to put on the hut when it's finished.
I still have the roof to work on, but I think I will tackle that next week - I will have some free days, so I hope the work can keep going steadly.
So, as I said, I started playing with a little cabinet with sink that I got for the hut. It looked like this:
I fell in love with it the momen I saw it. Mostly because many sinks I have seen were vintage/Victorian, and this one has a design that can be very modern - with the right accessories!
So what I did (something that I had been wanting to do for a long time!) was give the counter a marble look. To do that, I followed carefully this very precise tutorial from Jessica Cloe. Here are some pics of the process, and a pic of the finished counter:
I choose carefully the more ornate part of the marble decoration
Some dry fit
All finished!
I am not too sure about the faucet. I will try to find a prettier one, but if I cannot find it I will probably just paint it black.
I was going to paint to whole piece white, but after I saw this picture, I decided to leave it unfinished. Now off to fill it up with goodies! I may add a shelf inside the left door cabinet to store stoneware... We'll see how that goes!