Monday, March 9, 2020

Working in the conservatory

Remember that Kassandra was very excited about her conservatory?  She wanted it to be one of the first things to be redone, because "it was very exposed, and it looked awful".  Well, the renovations started some weeks ago, but they just finished yesterday.

We started getting rid of the old handrail in the terrace.  Kassandra said that it took too much space, and it was very bulky.

See the conservatory and the terrace on the left

Before renovations started

Kassandra chose a wrought iron decorative fence to replace the old handrail.  I think it is an exquisite selection:

Bye, old handrail; hello, beauty!
I made holes in the terrace floor so the fence could be installed:

One of the pieces had to be cut to fit on the front...

... although I did not make a very good job of it
Before installing the fence definitely, Kassandra had to choose a flooring.  She was doubtful among several choices:

Two types of terracotta floor...

and a grey tile pattern

She finally opted for this one in earthy tones...

... and the fences were installed
However, since she was not very happy with the cut fence, I enlisted the help of a specialist - my husband, of course! -, who was happy to help her.  Yesterday he cut a new fence exactly right, and Kassandra was over the moon with the final result:

The windows got installed without much difficulty, and now was the time to pick some flooring for the inside.  Kassandra wanted to use the grey tile pattern she rejected for the terrace:

But she was not convinced, so she opted instead for a wonderful white marble floor:

Very regal indeed!

We bought the floor from Jessica Cloe Miniatures, who has a wonderful array of floors and wallpapers that Kassandra liked, so we will be installing some more pieces from her very soon.

The inside walls still need some wallpaper, but the terrace is complete, and I asked if she was ready to start decorating.

"Oh, no.  I would rather wait until the weather gets better.  We will make the terrace nice and cozy, but when the summer is nearer.  I would prefer to concentrate on the inside for now.  I want to have the ballet studio first of all, so I can have a place to rehearse."

Now you know what comes next...

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