Thursday, July 16, 2020

Turtles at Kassandra's

Today I visited Kassandra, and I found her busy, getting settled... a pair of turtles!  That was most peculiar, and so I asked her about them.
"Oh, these are Cassiopeia and Sirius".
"Are they yours?"
"Oh, no, they belong to the children.  They were a gift of a classmate that breeds turtles.  They are staying here while summer lasts."


Fantasy apart, I saw these tiny turtles at the Beautifully Handmade shop, and fell in love with them!  I wanted to buy this lovely set up:

But it was gone when I went to purchase it.  So I decided I had to make my own.  Firstly, I cut some popsicle sticks to make a box for the turtles:

My arm hurt after all the wood cutting...

Gluing the boards

Trying the box with the turtles for size... Good enough!
Then, I covered the inside with a brown cardboard, spread a thin cover of glue and sprinkled some fake sand over it:

Adding on some green tufts
But of course, the turtles needed a little refuge, and half a pot was not enough.  So I made for them a little house with some spare parts of balsa wood:

And it looks great!
I still have to make for them a little food, like some lettuce, tomatos or strawberries.  But I enjoy having some pets in miniture!

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