Friday, December 20, 2013

More new minis

So, here are the promise pictures of the new minis from Linda Sweigart.  This is probably my new favorite thing in the dollhouse:

It is a wonderful tapestry entitled "Sir Galahad".  My vampire lady says it reminds her a lot of her beloved, who used to be a knight of the realm too.  You can see there is a picture of "The Accolade" very near it.  Also, a coat-of-arms that I purchased ages ago, and that I just recently finished painting:

I also have a stack of medieval pages (you can see them on the red chair), also the work of Linda, that are waiting for their new place to be.

There are too new lamps in the bedroom and in the exterior wall of the house:

I love these lamps!  I was too afraid of wiring my dollhouse for electricity, so up to now, it had no lights at all.  All the lamps were just props, and did not work.  But some time ago my mom told me about a new type of lamps that worked with batteries and had LED lights, and that did not need wiring; you just attach them to the walls or ceilings with a magnet.  She purchased one for me, and I acquired these two.  They are great!  They have an ON/OFF switch (just like the real ones) and have a lot of shine.  They look wonderful when it's dark.

As of today, I am going to make renovations in the drawing room, and I just purchased a new bookshelf that is going to be full with books and papers.  Books with pages, as I do not like dummy books.  I am also waiting for the first book to arrive, and I have more that I intent to purchase soon.  More info on that when they arrive...


P.S. My mother decorates her dollhouse and scenes for Christmas (trees, gifts, cakes, decorations, Christmas cards, nativity...)  Do you as well?  My vampire lady celebrates Winter Solstice, but she does not decorate.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Showing newly acquired minis

Is it not a satisfaction when you are expecting miniatures and they arrive in the mail?  I love to open those small packages and marvel at their contents.  It's been quite some time since I had minis for myself, and I am so happy to be able to share them:

It is me on the cover of the magazine  :)
This is a wonderful collection of letters made by Montserrat Folch.  I am so in love with them, specially the tiny wax seal and the sealing wax: they are just perfect!  Did you know I use sealing wax frequently?  Hence my wonder at this lovely mini.

These adorable tiny shoes are the work of Miniaturas y Vintage.  I love that they are a very good match to the dress that Anabela Menocal made:

The wonderful black parasol is the work of Linda Kravitz.  These pieces are gifts from my mom.

The lovely candle snuffer is like one I have in real life size.  It is the baby of Syreeta Miniatures.

I am still waiting on a couple of treasures from Linda Sweigart.  I'll share pics when they arrive.  In the meantime, here are a couple of books I made:

I used the Barnes and Noble Collectible Editions covers from Dracula and Frankenstein. I know they are very modern editions, but I love the design.  I may redo them to put on a shelf I am planning on buying to redecorate the drawing room.  And just for your delight, and because it is one of my favorite creations, a pic of the room showing the absinthe display:

Check out the mentioned sellers because they are awesome.  I am sure you will find something you just have to have!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Dracula by NBC: a review of the four first episodes

I wanted to like this series so much.  So much.  Because I love Dracula.  The sanguinarian, murderer, selfish Dracula that Bram Stoker created.  I have read the book several times, and I will read it again many more.  But there is so much wrong with this series that I am still debating if I will keep watching it.

So I am going to list all the problems I have with the series.  Indulge me, because this is going to be long.  I am not going to do the review episode by episode, but I will point out the biggest C'MON MAN! moments that I had while watching.

First of all, disclaimer: I am fascinated by Victorian society: the clothes, the mannerisms, the literature, the customs, but I acknowledge that it was a shitty society for women.  I would not have liked to live then, because there was too much pressure put on women and they lacked a lot of rights that today we (most of us) take for granted, such as a right to have an education, to have properties, bodily autonomy and the right to vote.  So my critics are going to be made in the spirit of Victorian society.  By that I mean, I would point out what Victorian women would never do, or think, or act on.  That does not mean that I am not for modern women acting on their own choices, whatever those may be.

Let's begin: First, Mina on the university.  MINA ON THE UNIVERSITY!  The Mina on the book had a certain education, but not too much.  She was a typist, and she knew how to do short-hand.  But that was all.  And mind you, she said many times that she acquired those skills to help Jonathan with his work.  But she never intended on having a job or being self-suficient.  The Mina of the series wants her own practice, with her own patients, and expects Jonathan to be perfectly fine with that and to support her choices.  So naturally, when she hears Jonathan say to his colleagues that "Mina will forget about medicine and everything else when I put this ring on her finger" she gets mad and leaves with a harrumph and thinking "how dare he?".  There are so much problems with this I do not even know where to begin.  So bullet points:
- Women did not get accepted at universities in 1896.  There were some colleges for them, but most colleges and universities of high standing at that time were exclusively for men.
- IF Mina would be accepted in a prestigious university because her father was a physician, you can bet that neither her classmates or her teachers would have been kind to her.  Most probably she would have been bullied into solitary and the worst assignments would have been for her.
- She would NEVER had been chosen by a teacher as an assistant; but we have Van Helsing to help her there, just because; even though she said she could not handle well the practices with scalpels, and cut herself several times, and had to stitch her wounds herself, she is the one with THE HIGHEST GRADE IN THE EXAM!  Because people believing in themselves just do *magic* and pass exams they are not ready to pass.
- People (men and women alike) would not trust her as a physcian - because she is a woman.  Yes, it's sexist, but that sexism was very present in 1896.  She may have had her practice, but she would not have had patients.  Even if the rest of the society would follow her lead and trust her, she would have to be very, VERY careful with her reputation, or all her hard work would go to waste.  But she obviously did not think about it very thoroughly.  Keep reading and you'll see.
- Jonathan's peers would never treat him seriously if they discovered (or knew) that he did not "keep his wife under control".  That is, at home and taking care of their (future) children.  That also would be an stigma for Mina herself.  She may be all for renovation and women following their dreams, but the rest of the society would not, so that would rend them friendless.  No men or women would be found in their company, because their ideas would be simply thought of as "scandalous".  They would not be invited anywhere, and people never would accept their invitations.  You simply could not be without friends in polite society.  They would be social pariahs.  That would make Mina's being a physician even more useless.  And let's not kid ourselves: her friend Lucy would abandon her in the long run, or she would risk becoming a pariah herself (that meant her not marrying EVER!) *gasp!*

I guess the main problem is that they have written Mina's character as a modern woman and insterted her in Victorian society, and that simply does not work.  They may have made a few concessions to make her more independent (she talks about people asking her if she wanted to be a nurse, and that option would have been great), but the fact that she thinks of herself as an equal of Jonathan is just a far fetched thought for any Victorian woman (and man!).  A woman of that age would never have said to her boyfriend "You have something that Grayson will never have: me".  That is a very modern thought, and entirely incredible in 1896.

Having talk about Victorian society, it is worth mentioning all the social conventions the main characters are defying, such as:
- Mina and Jonathan embracing and *kissing* in public!  A lot!
- Mina wearing her hair down - only loose women would wear their hair down in public
- Mina showing her ankles
- Mina showing cleavage during mornings
 I am sure there are more things like these that I have not noticed (or that I don't remember).

Another C'MON MAN! moment that stuck with me happens in the 4th episode.  Van Helsing gives Mina a lot of work to do, and leaves her in his office.  So after a while (I guess she was bored or tired), she begins to explore the office and finds a door behind a curtain, locked with a padlock.  So she immediately JUST HAS TO ENTER THE FORBIDDEN ROOM, and begins a frantic search for the key; she opens drawers and boxes until she finds the key, and she opens the door.  Not happy with that, she begins to explore the secret laboratory, opening everything until she finds a box with (what we lab people call) slides with samples.  So NATURALLY she takes a microscope and examines them, discovering very interesting things.

The main problem I have with this scene is that a man that has been your mentor chooses you among all other students, against every odd, to be his assistant (even after she disappointed him arriving at the university at 2 PM one day after a night out "clubbing"), leaves you in his place of work with chores to do, and you violate his confidence and invade his privacy by searching for a key he does not want you to have, and entering a place you are not supposed to enter, and perusing things you are not supposed to peruse.  PERFECTLY FINE, YOU ALL.  We all do this when our bosses are out, don't we?  So imagine if her boss finds out, and tells someone "this woman is not to be trusted with someone's privacy".  She is supposed to be a physician.  How could her patients trust her if their confidence is violated, after what she did to Van Helsing? 

And then we have the other problem.  The problem when you try to mix science with folklore: IT DOES NOT WORK, unless you know perfectly well what you are doing, or have a science professor by your side correcting your notes .  The thing with the slides.  Let me explain what is the deal with slides and microscopes.  To see a slide with a sample on it, you have to kill the cells (or whatever it is you want to observe) and stain them, because otherwise they WON'T BE VISIBLE.  We have now very good microscopes with which you do not need to stain or dye the samples because they have modern technology to capture and reflect light, which helps with the visualization.  But those microscopes DID NOT EXIST on 1896.  Mina could be very well seeing cells under a microscope, but not living cells (even if they are supposed to be alive because they are Dracula's), and certainly not if they are not stained.

Another C'MON MAN! moment.  After Mina and Jonathan fall-out, Lucy comes by and takes her out because "her mother has left leaving her alone".  A mother in Victorian society would NEVER leave a non-wed daughter alone in London without a chaperone; it would be most likely she would have taken Lucy with her.  But hey, we needed the girls to be alone so they could go party like a rockstar!  They go clubbing!  Well, what it would have been clubbing in the 19 century: they go to a Bohemian bar!  And they drink absinthe!!!  Why, why, in the name of all that is holy, WHY???!!!!

The absinthe scene was upsetting as hell for me, for obvious reasons, since I like to drink absinthe.  I absolutely love the absinthe scene in the Coppola movie: so beautifully, accurately and perfectly made.  Take the one in the NBC Dracula:  We have the girls sitting while a man is preparing their drinks.  First mistake:

Take note of the prominent label, so we all know we are drinking absinthe
Absinthe is not neon green.  Absinthe is peridot green.  But I am ready to forgive this, since poorly made absinthe at the time was dyed with copper sulfate so it would be a green color.  But then it came this:

Someone bring a fire extinguisher!!!
They set it on fire. THEY SET IT ON FIRE!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! 

No, no, and a thousand times NO.  Absinthe was drunk MIXED WITH WATER!  And it was drunk in the middle of the afternoon, as an aperitif before dinner.  Not as a "midnight cocktail" drink.  But wait, someone will say, they are in a Bohemian bar (Dracula mentions it some scenes later), and they are drinking it doing the "Bohemian ritual".  So it must be correct, right? WRONG.  The "Bohemian ritual" was invented by the Czech absinth producers circa 1990, to mask the poor taste of their concoctions.  The following paragraphs in cursive are taken from The Wormwood Society website:

At no time in the history of absinthe, until the late 1990's, has the “Czech Method” of lighting absinthe-soaked sugar on fire—recently popularized in the movies From Hell, Moulin Rouge, and Alfie—ever been used.  This is a modern innovation and a pointless abuse of good absinthe.  Aside from spectacle, it has no effect whatsoever except possibly that of introducing a burnt-marshmallow taste to the absinthe thus obscuring the delicate herbal nuances and ruining its flavor.

No one who knows anything about absinthe and its history would use this method.  Compare it to shaking a bottle of champagne.  Given the high-proof nature of the liquor it can also be very dangerous, resulting in a cracked or broken glass, injury and accidental fire.

It's probable that the “Czech method” was borrowed from the Café Royale, a traditional coffee drink where a brandy or cognac-soaked sugar lump is ignited in a spoon before adding it to the coffee.  This was depicted in 1887 by the American painter, Irving Ramsey Wiles in his painting, The Loiterers.  Several years ago the painting was mistaken (and mis-titled) as portraying a couple drinking absinthe.

More over, they show some moments later Mina having visions of a past life, and we are led to believe they have been induced by the hallucinogenic powers of the absinthe she has drunk.  HELL NO!  Absinthe is not and never was a psychedelic drug.  You don't trip ballz with absinthe, sorry.  The thujones, that are supposed to be the responsible for the hallucinations, are convulsants, nothing more.  And you would need to take such amount of them that you would be dead from alcohol poisoning before noticing their effects.

Another point to make, regarding Mina.  Remember when we talked about respectability and reputation?  Who would trust a physician that spents all night (they come home at dawn!) partying and supposedly taking drugs?  Another thing to rest points to Mina.

There is more, but these points are the worst.  I could mention the fact that Dracula was never sensible to sun burning, or ask why the Order of the Dragon would take the time, resources and chance to create a monster that could potentially destroy them.  And let's not forget Lady Jayne.  A Victorian lady wearing leather trousers, that has an assasin's technique knowledge and weapons, and decapitates people.  Sure, why not?

Keep them coming, NBC.  Or better yet, DON'T.

*ETA*: I just found out that Cleolinda is doing episode recaps of Dracula in her journal.  I will go read them now, and you probably should too.  They will be a lot more fun than to watch the series.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nail design of the week

It's been sometime since I wanted to try one of those nail polishes that leave your nails rough and  bumpy, and not shiny and sleek as they usually do.  I stumbled upon an O.P.I. stand and they had some of the nail polishes from the Liquid Sand  line, and I bought one.

These are the tools I used:
Mussvital nail hardener as base coat 
Wharf! Wharf! Wharf! nail polish by O.P.I. (one coat)
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

I absolutely love them!  My mother says that it looks like the manicure has been ruined, but I like it precisely for that.  A perfectly done nail is beautiful, but the moment it has an imperfection then the hard work is lost.  

It's been some days since I made them, and they are still perfect, apart from the obvious wear on the tips, since you cannot use a top coat with these polishes.  But I have had them scratched, hit, bumped, and the polish does not look any less great than the first day.  I also like to touch them and find that they have texture.  I would love a dark grey or black polish of this line - it would look like asphalt!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

New minis up for sale

Hello miniature enthusiasts!

My lab course had me unable to do anything creative-wise, but the lack of time and the lack of inspiration has passed, and I have been crafting like crazy these past weeks.  So I am very happy to say that I have new minis up for sale, with more to follow:

Apothercary cabinet
For those of you interested in medicine, here is a new apothecary cabinet, fully equipped for your pharmacy, doctor's office or mad scientist lab.

Witch or wizard table
 For those of you interested in magic, here is an enchanting table, with plenty of artifacts that will make the day of your magic-oriented mini people.  This table is one of a kind, and there will be no more like it.

Ironing board
For those of you with less extravagant tastes, here is a lovely ironing board for that forgotten corner of your dollhouse.

Also, I have available a vintage chandelier, an hourglass that actually works and the absinthe soap box is back again.  I am waiting for supplies to produce more absinthe fountains, but they will be up soon enough.

Come take a look!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review of the Steampunk corset and skirt

About time!  I know, I'm sorry, I should have done this a long time ago, but alas, better late than never.

Well, like I mentioned in this post, this ensemble comes from Corsets UK.  They have expanded a lot their Steampunk line (which I absolutely adore!), but as of today, I only have 3 of their pieces, two of which I am going to review today.  

So, we will begin with the corset, which you can find here:

Picture from the Corsets UK website
For technical details, I will refer you to their description.  These are some of my own observations:

The zipper.  The pull tab looks like a spring, which is a fun addition.  Even though the zipper goes up to the edge of the corset, it won't close that far, since the design of the corset won't allow it; you have one of the stays in the middle, as well as one of your breasts.  In my case, it won't go up more than an inch or two, and occasionally it goes down a little by itself, but you cannot tell looking from the outside that it is not in the correct place.

The pocket and leather part.  As it is advertised in the website, the corset DOES NOT come with a pocket watch.  I knew that when I bought it, and I keep on it my pocket compass.  The pocket slot measures 3 1/8 inches (8 cm), but you won't be able to fit something that big inside, as the fabric itself takes up some space.  My compass measures 1 3/4 inches (4.5 cm), and it fits inside perfectly well and with some extra room.  The inside of the pocket is faux leather too.
The faux leather is flexible, and I have had no tears, discoloration or scratches on it.

The side ornaments.  As you can see there are two snap buttons on the low edge of each side of the corset.  They are there mostly for decoration, because they cannot be used to adjust the corset to your size (they cannot be unbottoned, because there are no other snap buttons underneath to adjust the size).  There is a buckle-like thingy in each of the straps.  The commercial pic shows the watch chain over there to add visual interest.  Some time ago there used to be this pic in the corset listing; it is not there anymore, but it is still on the Amazon page for this corset:

Picture from the Amazon listing for the corset
The tab to which the chain is attached is NOT there, so I attached my compass chain to the buckle of the strap so there is no risk of me losing it if it comes out of the pocket (which has never happened).

The skirt, which you can find here:

Picture from the Corsets UK website
Once again, for technical details I will refer you to their description.  These are some of my own observations:
First and foremost, it is a thin skirt.  Very very thin.  The fabric does not have any weight, and if you are going to use it in Winter, you need leggins or a thick pantyhose underneath, or you will get cold.  On the other hand, is perfect to use in Summer.
It closes with a zipper on the left side, and it has a nice corset-style lacing in the back of the waistband, which is fully adjustable.  The belt straps on the waistband front are adjustable too, but they only have one extra hole.

That is all I can think about.  If there are any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.  I hope I can put up a review for the other steampunk corset I have very soon.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New prop replica necklace

My husband and I watched on All Hallows Eve the movie "The hunger", which none of us had heard about until I saw a mention of it on Jillian Venters' tumblr.  It is a movie about vampires, but it certainly is different than anything I have seen before...

Well, anyway, this post is not about that.  During the movie, Miriam and John wear some necklaces with an ankh, which they use to attack their victims:

Shot from the movie showing the necklaces
I fell in love with them the moment I saw them.  I have been using ankhs since I was 16 (that's more than 20 years, folks!), and have never seen a so clever contraption as these.  

Right after finishing the movie I ran to the Internetz to search for a replica.  I did not find one just like those in the movie, unfortunately.  But I found a very similar one from Alchemy Gothic:

Picture from the Sun Spot Designs website
I ordered it and it arrived today!  I love it!  I have changed the chain, since it was only 20 inches and it was way too short for a pendant of this size (the ankh measures 3 inches).  Now it hangs just between my breasts.  The fact that I ordered it on October 31 makes it even more special.

There are plenty of places where you can buy your own ankh.  It is officially called Ankh of the Dead; I got mine from Dreams of Caedryn on Etsy.

And if you still have not watched the movie, go and watch it!  Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie are both gorgeous on it!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nail design of the week

Remember some time ago I mentioned I purchased a stamping plate with dragons?  Well, on Monday I used it for the first time, and the results were fabulous:

Excuse the chipped nail!  I couldn't get pictures the day I made them
These are the tools I used:
Unglax nail hardener as base coat 
Black Orchid nail polish by Sally Hansen
Icy Princess nail polish by essence for stamping
Seche Vite top coat
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

The designs are BIG, which is great for my nails, and as you can see, the stamping is very clear and precise.  The one in the pinky does not look good, but that was my fault.  The pinky of the right hand looks awesome.  Fot the thumbs I used the crown and the axes.  The axes look great, but I could not get a really good stamping with the crown.  But overall I am happy with the results.  I think this is the best stamping work I have made since I started.

I hope I can use the backgrounds with other nail designs as accent nail.  They will undoubtedly cover the entire bed of any of my nails, they are so big.

Here is a little vid I made of the Messy Mansion plate.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New design for The Illusion Lockets!

Remember that fabulous artist, Jim Anderson, who created The Illusion lockets after the one featured in the movie The Illusionist?  Well, Jim has made it again, and created something just beautiful: cremation ash lockets with secret compartiments.  It is the same design as his original lockets, but with a small compartment under the pictures, in which you can store small aids (such as pills or batteries), or the remains of a loved one. - he even designed a small black box for them.

I just found out about them after watching this video:

I think it is a marvellous invention.  I am going to start saving up for one.  As I already have one of Jim's lockets, I know for a fact that they are wonderfully made, and they are just beautiful.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nail design of the week: Perfect for Halloween!!

Finally Halloween it's here, and I can't wait to dress up and do my makeup!  My nails were done on Monday, and they will stay on until at least the weekend.  I saw this picture on Tumblr some years ago and fell in love with it:

If you are the original creator, let me know so I can credit you
It was strikingly beautiful and I have wanted to recreate this look for a long time.  I know there are many ways to do a blood manicure, but this is my favorite: as if you have dipped your nails on someone's blood.  I looked up some videos in YouTube for guidance, and followed this one to do my nails:

And this is the result:

I love them!!
These are the tools I used:
Unglax nail hardener as base coat
Nail polish Irresistible Cherry (#252) by Margaret Astor
Dotting tool
Seche Vite top coat
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

I love that they do not have to be exactly identical to be great, and the fact that they are all different is even more fun.  Some people that saw them thought they had been professionally done, and they all recognized the dripping blood, so I guess they are a sucess!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nail design of the week

So, as I mentioned, I wanted to try a sailor-inspired manicure tutorial before Summer was over.  I saw this great manicure at Radi D's blogspot:

Picture from Radi D's blogspot
I wanted to try something similar, but I omitted the anchor and life saver stickers, and made my own version of it:

These are the tools I used:
Unglax nail hardener as base coat
Essie Blanc nail polish
Blue nail art tape
Seche Vite top coat
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

I do like this design very much, but I had some troubles with the tape.  Although I made sure the tape was well sticked to my nails, I ended up with the ends lifting, even after applying the top coat.  I am guessing part of it is my fault because I touched the stripes too much, but also I noticed that the rubbing/friction of my nails against my fingers may have been contributed to the lifting.

I hope I can do soon another manicure featuring nail art tape.  Maybe a design that does not involve the tape going to the sides, to avoid this problem...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Movie review: Byzantium

It has been a while since I watched a vampire movie.  And I am glad I watched this.  Even though it is far from perfect, it is a nice watch.

Just like the poster says, it is directed by Neil Jordan, and it reminded me a lot of Interview with the vampire: the pace, the photography, the way you begin to get acquainted with the characters... It is very dignified, if one keeps in mind the kind of vampire movies that go around these days.  I have taken out of the poster the magazine reviews, so you can judge for yourself.  One of them said "Twilight for grown ups".  It is definitely not that.

As with many vampire movies, we get to see flashbacks, which I found far more interesting than the modern story, that frankly, it kind of irks me.  I am tired of whiny teenage vampires that find their existance awful but lack the courage to end it, and when they find a person of the other sex suddenly it all gets better.  It has been overused, and I do not find it enticing anymore.  I guess that's what earned it the comparision to Twilight, but it is the only thing they have in common.  This movie is psychologically violent, and I found disturbing the way that women get treated on it.

As a novel thing, these vampires do not have fangs.  Instead, they grow their thumb fingernail when they need to feed to punture blood vessels.  I did like that a lot.

The pace is slow, as we have almost 2 hours of movie ahead, and very few characters that lack the personality to carry the story by themselves.  Specially since most of the movie the action is set in present time, and with the action centered in Eleanor, the teenage vampire.  However, we get to see Jonny Lee Miller (the Sherlock Holmes of Elementary) as a villain.  Probably the best drawn character, as you get to hate him from the very beginning.  Gemma Arterton is also superb in the way she represents the vampire mother, but as I said, the character's history is not very credible, specially the present time action.

Don't get me wrong.  The movie is not terrible, but the script is not well-thought of, and has many points that makes you wonder what the writers were thinking, if they had been thinking at all.


I will not describe the movie, but I will point out some problems that I found with it:

- The title, Byzantium, refers to two things that appear in the movie: one hotel that is named so, that gets turned into a brothel; and a blade that appears a total time of one minute, brought back from Byzantium by one of the characters, and that is not relevant to the story at all.  I do not get why the need for such title.

- If you name one of the characters Ruthven, I expect him to be a vampire.  Lord Ruthven is the name of the vampire in John Polidori's novel The Vampyre.  I thought it was a wink to vampire enthusiasts which of course would know this information.  It turned out not to be so.

- I did not like the fact that vampirism was a brotherhood in which no women are allowed.  More so, you only get to be invited to join if you are wealthy, of noble breeding and deemed "worthy".  It strikes me fancy that you are considered worthy even if you are a degenerate pervert that takes teenage girls to brothels to be turned into prostitutes, you do not have a coin to your name, and you are a thief that took over the fortune of your deceased friend.

- Moreover, you get turned into a vampire if you go to a desert island and enter into a cave so something that we do not get to know what it is bites you and turns you into one.  If you do not want anybody to enter the cave unauthorized, you hire humans as keepers to guard the place.

- Clara shoots Ruthven in a leg before she takes the box containing the secret map and flees to be turned.  She said later she had had mercy of him, and she should not have.  Honestly, if a man kidnapped me, turn me over to a brothel, made a prostitute out of me, hit me and raped me each time he saw me, the first thing I would do once turned vampire would be to kill him.  But of course, the script needed him for the next turn, which was:

- Ruthven finds out, we do not know how, that Clara has had a girl and that she put her in an orphanage/convent for girls to be safe.  He shows up in the convent in the middle of the night, demands to see her, and the nuns not only agreed to that, they let him conduct the interview in a corridor, without supervision.  We are supposed to think that he has pay them off to look to the other side, but it is so stretched out I do not believe it.  Specially because Clara was paying the nuns for her daughter's expenses.

- The Brotherhood has needed 200 years to find Clara in the same town that she was turned (such as the story is told, I do not have the impression Clara and Eleanor ever left the place).  Really?

- The fact that Darvell killed his brother to protect Clara came out of nowhere.  Were we supposed to think that he loved her/ was sorry about that happened to her?  They barely interacted with each other in the flashbacks to warrant an ending like that.


I am not sorry I watched but it could have been better with some minor details fixed.  And probably with a little less running time and some deleted scenes that were unnecessary.  But still, good for a rainy afternoon. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Updates on the prop necklaces

Remember when I got Lana Lang's kryptonite necklace?  Well, I said I may change the chain because it was not sterling silver.  I had to do it.  I used the necklace two times, and the chain was already turning black, and my neck got green stains.  So yesterday I went to a jeweller to buy another linked chain; they replaced one for the other:

The new one is the one with the bead; the other is the old one
See the difference in color?  It was a worthy change; the new chain cost just 12 euros, which is very reasonable.

When the lady of the shop showed me the available chains to pick one for the kryptonite necklace, I saw that they also had rolo chains, and I asked to see those as well.  I ended up buying too a rolo chain for the H2O locket:

The rolo chain holds the locket; the other one is a 16" box chain that came with the locket
It was another worthy buy.  It is a 3 mm 18 inches long rolo chain, and it just cost 15 euros.  I had peruse the internet for the same chain, and the cheapest that I found was sold for $30 plus shipping.

Close up of the box chain and the rolo chain
It is a lovely chain.  It reminds me of the one Frodo used to carry the One Ring around his neck.

Can't wait to use them!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nail design of the week

I recently purchased a couple of nail polishes in gold and silver, and this week I decided to try out the silver one for the first time:

I absolutely love it!  These are the tools I used:
Unglax nail hardener as base coat
Essence Colour and Go Icy Princess (#141)
Seche Vite top coat
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

I tried it first with a mate top coat; I painted the pinky finger, but I did not like the results - if you look at the picture closely, you'll see the shine that nail has is different from the rest.  So I just top coated everything with the Seche Vite.

I purchased it with the intention of using it for stamping, but I really like it by its own.  The color is really like antique silver - not shiny silver or steel. 

Looking forward to trying more colors of this brand!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Another great app for iPad and iPhones

If you are a person that enjoys what I call "ambiance sounds", this is a must!  

This app is called Sleep Pillow, and it is what people call "white noise", that is, certain sounds that make you relax and get to sleep.  Have you ever heard that the fastest way to put a baby to sleep is to turn on the vacuum?  With this app, you get a full collection of noises that will put you to sleep fast, including a vacuum noise!

Seriosly, the collection has many sounds, including:
- falling rain (big drops, small drops, rain on a tent, rain on a car)
- thunderstorms
- wind
- fireplaces
- water (drops, big and small waterfalls, crushing waves)
- birds
- forest sounds
- horses
- whale songs
- bubbles
- street noise
- cars, trains and airplanes
- clocks
- heartbeats
- windchimes
- TV and radio static
- fans
- hair dressers
- vacuums
- washers
- tracks with relaxation music
- lullabies

There is a free version with just some of these options; the paid-for version has everything that I have listed.  Here you have some info on the app.  The price tag is $1.99.

My impression?  I absolutely love it!  I used to have (still got it) a big collection of nature sounds that I would put on sleeper mode in my CD player.  The player broke long ago, but this collection makes up for the loss.  Hubby sets it on and I am sleep in less than 10 minutes.  

A great thing about this app is that you can indeed set it on sleep timer, and it will fade out when the time runs out.  Also, if your iPad has a cover, it will keep playing even if you shut the cover.  It also has an alarm set, a sliding bar for the volume, and pictures for every sound available.  The pictures are nice, crisp and very descriptive.

Listening to the whale songs as of this moment... Highly recommended!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A new friend

Do you know that many mermaids keep some sort of marine creature as companion?  Some are keens to dolphins, flounders, sharks, even little creatures such as sea stars or crabs.  Well, I have found my companion, and here it is:

Hi! Name's Cthulhu!  I will swallow your soul!
Here is an adorable baby-sized Cthulhu!  This should not come as a surprise to anyone...  You already know that I am a Goth at heart, didn't you?  He and I will role the oceans.  Mwahahahahaha!

It is a puppet really, but I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.  It was a gift from hubby.  While looking for pictures and reviews online, I stumbled upon this awesome blog, which has a lot of stuff for Lovecraft aficionados, including props, replicas of papers and letters as described by the author, drawings... Many things are downloadable and can be used to increase your Lovecraft collection or to decorate your place.  Very worth to take a look at it.  Enjoy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Nail Design of the Week

It was some time since I wanted to do this beautiful Indian inspired nail tutorial by IndigoNova1:

After doing it, these are the results:

And these are the tools I used:
Unglax nail hardener as base coat
Colorama Turquoise Seas (#107)
00 artist brush
Blue rhinestone
Seche Vite top coat
Naio coconut cuticle oil for the cuticles when everything is finished and dry

My nails are considerably shorter than the ones in the video so I had to do a smaller design - smaller teardrop, less dots, no green rhinestone.  It came out better in my left hand (of course) than in my right hand.  Since it is so complicated (at least for me) I only did it as an accent nail in my middle fingers.

I absolutely love it!  This design is simple enough to not be overkill, but at the same time it is dainty and delicate.

Since Summer is ending, I do not know how many times more I will be painting my nails blue.  I just adore when they are in sync with my tail! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sharing the holidays

So, here is the promised post with the holiday affairs.

We took off the 2nd of August via train to Vigo (Pontevedra).  My mom and aunt were waiting for us there, and we went by car to Cangas.  Here is a view of the place we were staying:

Picture from
The place is called Punta Balea.  See the house with the orange roof just by the rounded path?  That's our house.  The beach in the left side of the picture is called Areamilla, and it's our favorite beach to go to have a swim.  Here are some pics of it:

Taken at about 8.30 a.m.

It's a beautiful and much loved beach by me, but it gets really crowded, so we don't go there anymore unless we want to swim.  We prefer to stay in our backyard, which is covered with grass and has a pool:

We get Sun all day there, and it cannot be seen from the outside, so it's awesome.  This is the view we get from our front window:

The rocky formations in the ocean are the Cíes Islands.  The floating platforms in the water are called "bateas" and they grow mussels there.

I am sure you get why I love this place so much...

Our mornings were spent every day by the pool and in the afternoon we went sightseeing.  Well, we know the place very well, but my mother-in-law didn't so we drove her around to Pontevedra, Aldán, Cabo Home (Cape Man), Bueu, and we crossed to Vigo in the ferry - my mother-in-law loves traveling by ship.  Here are some pics of the places we visited:

Graveyard of Aldán - we have family there

2 pics of Cabo Home
Cangas' Port

Cíes Islands, pic taken from the ferry
And this is a recent addition to Cangas port, our own beautiful mermaid, with 2 dolphins by her side.  When the tide is high, it seems she is rising from the ocean:

Pic taken from the ferry
We even had time to take pictures of me playing with my mermaid tail, and record some videos which you can watch here.  

A couple of days before leaving, we were lucky enough to spot a huge family of dolphins hunting just in front of our window, by the sunset light:

They were common dolphins (Delphinus delphis).  It was a deligth to see them jumping.  They stayed there for a long time.  Sometimes they come near the coast when there is a storm coming to seek refuge.

So, that were our holidays.  I had a great time, and I had the opportunity to enjoy a lot of sea food that I normally do not eat - mussels, clams, octopus, percebes, scallops... We did not eat meat any day of our stay.  Just fish, a lot of salads, sea food and home-made empanadas (pies).  By the way, did you know that the scallop is the symbol of the apostle Santiago, patron of Spain?  Legend has that he used the deep side of the scallop as a glass to drink water from rivers and fountains.

I hope we can go again next year...