Saturday, November 28, 2020

Free printable! Miniature box of condoms

This is something that I have been wanting to do for years!  I love that we can include in our houses modern stuff like tablets, phones and computers.  But my favorite things are the subtle ones: like a box of tampons... or a box of condoms!

The one I have made I have scanned from a brand new box that I had at home; I composed the images, cleaned them a bit and made to scale.  I even scanned the condom packets and the pamphet!  Unfortunately, the pamphlet did not look good in 1:12 scale, so I omitted it.  But I very much like the end result:

The fun part is, the condom packets fit inside the box!  I may try something adventurous and glue a tiny jump ring inside them, to mimick an actual condom - I don't know if jump rings will be small enough to fit, but it's worth a try.

This will go into Kassandra's nightstand :)

I am very happy to share with you all the printable to make this.  As allways, feel free to share, make and give as gifts and pass the file along to anyone (links back are nice too), but please do not sell the file, or your creations.  Thank you!

HERE you go!  Have fun!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

New piece for the museum

I had been wating for ever to finish this project, but today was the day.  

I bought a file cabinet from Beautifully Handmade to transform into something very different:

I wanted something to display in the museum that gave the illusion of organized artifacts.  I have a thing for antique documents, and since it is so difficult to display books on a small roombox already filled up, I opted for a file cabinet with folders.  They can be extracted, opened, and the maps removed from them for study:

All the maps are previous to the 19th century (some are from the 17th century!).  The folders are made with cardboard and texturized paper (brown snake skin).  The inside covers and the maps are prints on regular paper.  To top everything up, there is a little bookend with a rotating globe on top of the cabinet - I am currently waiting on one with better looks.

It took me several months to start this project, but once on it, it took me about a week to finish it.  I am very happy with the final result, and it looks fantastic on the museum:

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween!

Kassandra hopes you all had a wonderful Halloween!

She certainly had fun.  She offered a party for friends and family, and she had so much fun decorating the house and the living room:

You certainly need a vampire pumpkin at your door

The coffin shelf was full of games for the kids, who naturally forgot their candy bags as soon as there was fun stuff to do... 

Some spooky drinks for those thristy...

The kids had some toys and activity books set up for them...

Happy Samhain, everyone!