Friday, April 24, 2020

Door inserts - finishing the conservatory

Today Kassandra was all excited when I went to her place to retake the work.

"Look what we got!", she said, showing me some merchandise.  "We can finish all the doors today!"

"What are these?", I asked.

"Why, they are the glass inserts for the doors!  I was so looking forward to having them.  I was so upset when we could not use for the doors the same glass we used for the windows.  It took me a while to find the precise thing we needed, but I think they are gorgeous, don't you?"

"Yes, they are very pretty indeed! Let's get started, then".

We cut every piece up to measure, and we attached the "glass" panels to the inside of the door of the conservatory.

And then we finished off by attaching the door knob to the inside as well

And as easy as that, the conservatory is finished!

"Oh, it looks beautiful!  How pretty is the light when it hits the design!"

"I am very happy you like the results.  Let's do the rest of them".

And then, we repeted the process with the door that leads to the terrace from the library:

 "It's starting to look like a home, don't you think?"

"Indeed.  And to celebrate that we are finished with the conservatory wing, I have brought you some gifts, because I know you enjoy having plants around".

"Oh, my dear, you are so lovely!  You shouldn't have!"

"It is my pleasure".  

You can make a topiary with this easy tutorial.

A topiary and a tray with saplings.  They need Sun to grow!
"How wonderful"  I will keep the topiary here, but I will put the tray in the conservatory, as soon as I get some furniture for it".

Then it only was only left the front door:

We omitted the knob until the wallpapering is finished in the living room

"I love it!  I am so happy the house is finally completely closed!  Now I can pursue anyone that tries to enter without permission..."

"Don't you mean "prosecute"?  Like, taking them to court for breaking and entering?"

She looked at me quizzically.

"No.  I meant pursue.  As in, chasing after them for their shamelesness.  And making them pay..."

I stopped asking questions.


Fantasy apart, I made the inserts with transparency paper, using some printables from Small Stuff's PrintMini, and attached them with double-sided tape.  Super easy to make, and I am so happy how well they turned out!

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