If you are a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, chances are that you already have several editions of his work, both narrative and poetry. But if you are also a fan of comics/illustration books, then you simple have to have this!
Art by David García Forés |
There has been an apps release for iPad called
The iPoe Collection, and it is beyond words. My dear husband bought it for me, and it is incredible.
It features four stories: The oval portrait, The tell-tale heart, Annabel Lee and The Masque of the Red Death. It also has a short biography of Poe and a sketchbook of the art included in the stories. The best part is that every story has its own music, and it changes when you turn the pages. The tell-tale heart even has ambience sounds added, the main one being the beating heart of the father.
Each story also is interactive; when you touch the screen... things happen. I don't want to spoil your surprises, but be sure to touch everything you see, just in case, so you won't miss any of the details.
The illustrator of the stories is Spanish author David García Forés. I did not know
about him, but now I will certainly keep an eye open for his future
There is already a Volume II, that I still not have, but most definitely will.
Also, if you do not have an iPad, you can at least download the soundtrack of the stories and some wallpapers
here. Or go directly to their
Zazzle store for a gift for yourself or the Poe fan in your life. They will sure love you for it!