Monday, March 1, 2010

Thank you!!

Thank you so much to Lara for giving me the Sunshine Award! It's the first one that I get and I feel honored! :)
The rules for the Award are:
1. Post the award on your own blog
2. Name 6 blogs you enjoy in a blog post
3. Let the 6 bloggers know you are passing the award on to them

I am happy to pass it on on the following people:
1- Arancha of Las Miniaturas de los Talis
2-Ara of Addams Family Mini-Mansion
3-Kate of The Whittaker's Miniatures
4-Annie of Obsidian Hall
5-Christel Jensen
6-Vanessa of El mini mundo de Vane

Maybe some of you already have it; if that is so, sorry! Or be happy you got it more than once ;)


Whittaker's Miniatures said...

I am very happy to get it more than once, thankyou so much, its nice to be appreciated! Thankyou, we love your blog too! Hope your project is coming on ok? Kate xx

Arantxa FariƱa said...

Muchisimas Gracias!!!

Muchos besitos

Ara said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful award! Your blog is fab!!